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Details: Easier handling: - sheave mounted on sealed ball bearings for excellent efficiency - gate opening on the pulley side facilitates installation of the rope when the pulley is fixed to the anchor - may be used with a CAPTIV positioning bar to favor loading of the carabiner along the major axis and to limit the risk of it flipping - Keylock system prevents any accidental snagging of the carabiner when putting the pulley in place
H cross-section of carabiner: - ensures an improved strength-to-weight ratio - protects markings from abrasion
Min. rope diameter: 7 mm Max. rope diameter: 13 mm
Major axis strength: 20 kN Minor axis strength: 8 kN
Description: ROLLCLIP A is a pulley-carabiner with a gate opening on the pulley side that facilitates installation of the rope when the pulley is fixed to the anchor. ROLLCLIP A may be used with a CAPTIV positioning bar to favor loading of the carabiner along the major axis, to limit the risk of it flipping and to keep it integrated with the device.
Brand: Petzl